martedì 22 gennaio 2008

Effective Email Marketing

Everyday we are all bombarded with thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of advertisements and failed marketing attempts. We drive past billboards, throw out junk mail, flip through commercials, and tune out brand name labels; one of the major reasons that we filter out all of this excess branding is the advertisements inability to make things personal. We don't want to be part of a mass market; we want something to appeal to us directly. This is why opt-in email marketing seems like such an ingenious plan.

Email marketing lists are personal, you get to cherry pick who is advertising to you, the emails are sent to you personal account, often addressed to you by name, and the content is something of interest to you, and therefore more likely to be read. Marketers will send out promotions, newsletters, catalogues and updates in an attempt to generate traffic and revenue, but they will only send material to those that have requested it.

Because a the email account holder has requested the advertisements the advertisements are often read, if something in the promotional material is of interest to the reader they will go to the website which not only creates traffic but more potential sales. This form of direct marketing also gives the website merchants a chance to gain an edge over their competitors.

It is very easy to understand exactly why opt-in marketing is so effective, but it becomes more difficult to determine why some opt-in marketing attempts are more effective than others. Competition is so tight on the internet it is essential for marketers to not only be extremely creative, but to keep customers demanding more advertisements be sent to their email accounts.

Many studies on this subject have stressed that material that seems light, product appropriate, creative and original is the way to go. Email is such an informal medium that very few people will tolerate excessive verbiage, formal language, or a dull attitude; quite the opposite in fact. Avoid jargon, intensely professional language, and start to build a relationship with your consumer. A relationship will foster trust and will not make the reader feel as if they are being sold to, or persuaded into something that they don't want. When a relationship, especially through opt-in marketing, a customer should feel as though they are learning about and purchasing the product entirely of their own volition; marketing and advertising should not feel like it plays a part in the transaction.

Receiving an email, and reading material from the internet is a form of entertainment for most people and should be treated as a recreational device. The material should be friendly, social and recreation. 

It is not only the text of the material that counts. If the overall appearance of the

material is not appealing, no one will even get around to reading what you have to say. Colour is good on this type of material, the page should not be too busy, and should remain fun and easy going. Make the material eye catching but not headache inducing.

They key to this type of marketing is to ensure that your customer not only welcomes the experience, but is excited by it.   Entertain them, educate them, and encourage them to continue to visit your site and your product.

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