sabato 19 gennaio 2008

Playstation 2

I like playing video games. Just like any hobby, there are plenty of ways and gadgets to use for playing video games. If you happen to be an arcade video game freak, going to an arcade or owning a playstation or game cube system is probably the option for you. Like me, I prefer playing games using a personal computer. I'm a strategy game freak. Games like Civilization and Europa Universalis are what make me tick. Just like any other full fledged gamester, you wouldn't be able to make me budge from my position once I start playing these games.

Do you know anyone who owns a playstation 2 game system? I'm sure you know someone who has one of these. With their popularity in full swing nowadays, the playstation 2 game system can be spotted almost anywhere. I personally stay away from video games simply because they require too much of my time. Valuable time that is. Just think, if you sit down with the playstation 2 game system, how long will you actually play? Folks say "one more game" like a million times before they actually quit playing. Do you really want to spend hour upon hour playing games? Unfortunately it can seem like minutes. Time flies when you're thumbing away at those buttons. I worked at a Hollywood Video during college and guys would come in endlessly in search of new video games. I often wondered if they had anything better to do. I mean come on, once you're in your mid-twenties, you can't exactly spend all your time with your playstation 2 game system. I recall a girl who worked with me and her hatred for video games. She said that her 26 year old boyfriend would play them relentlessly. The scoop was that he couldn't find a job so he basically sat around playing video games all day long. Yeah; that's a winner! Talk about going nowhere. Regardless of the time your playstation 2 game system can consume, video games are entertaining. The trick is to not get sucked in and spend your life playing Grand Turismo or Halo 2. There is an actual real world out there as well. You know, one that lies beyond the playstation 2 game system.

Still, having a video game system is certainly handy. We need to find entertainment to help us escape and deal with our stressful, everyday lives. It doesn't hurt to use Ryu in Streetfighter to punch and kick at opponents whom you imagine to be the people who aggravated you this past week.

To me, video games are a way to relax and relieve myself of stress. The fact that they are enjoyable is certainly an added bonus.

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